Thursday, October 8, 2009

New POM flavors & ready for the weekend


I was “gone” yesterday. Erik and I had a busy night and my MIL and MIL’s husband came over to try to help us fix our furnace (it mysteriously won’t turn on). And still … nothing. The furnace guy is coming over tomorrow and hopefully it’s just something simple!

I was happy to see these new POM flavors at my door today. Thanks, POM! The new flavors are Pomegranate Kiwi and Pomegranate Nectarine.

Picture 469

Erik and I have both taken a sip of each of them and we love both flavors … can’t wait to drink more!  I’d take these over POMx tea any day!

Tonight Erik and I did bis and tris and I’ve been flipping through the latest Oxygen magazine.

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I’m so excited the weekend is practically here!

It’s supposed to be really rainy here and hopefully I have some time to do a lot of nothing at least for a little bit! ; )

And even though this post is rather random and meaningless, I just wanted to drop in since I was MIA yesterday.

Have a great Friday, all!!



  1. Have a great weekend. I have Fridays off, so I am already enjoying mine:)

  2. Yea for the weekend, my mailman has not brought me my Oxygen mag!

  3. I hope the furnace gets fixed quick. Glad you two had a nice night. As for the new POMs, like I said, LOVE the nectarine....the kiwi was a littld odd for me! Hooray for Friday

  4. I tried the new POM as well. I think they taste really good, but are very sweet. I have been using them in many recipes, especially stove-top apple cobbler!

  5. I just got my POM shipment yesterday too. So far, they're batting 0/2, so we'll see how the new flavors go.

    Happy weekend to you and Erik!

  6. Woohoo for the weekend! Mmm haven't tried the new flavors yet!

  7. Oh, no! I hope your furnace gets fixed soon! I was without heat for 3 weeks last winter....needless to say, I moved out temporarily! :-)

  8. I've actually never tried POM, although lots of bloggers have raved about it.

    It was rainy here last week, too, but I hope this week will be nicer.

    Hope you had a great weekend, Lesley!


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