Saturday, October 17, 2009

Friday Night

Happy Weekend!! : )

Here is what my Friday night looked like …

Picture 574

I spent the evening with hot tea, a book, and a baked apple.

Picture 577

In the Dungeon: Shoulders

Last night in the dungeon was shoulders. Ha, we had fun working out.

Erik was being a complete weirdo with blared music and in between sets he was dancing around and singing. I even videoed him but decided against posting that, haha.

Picture 560

There is no good lighting in the dungeon that is our basement and every picture was making me look like a ghost, so I opted out of posting any of them. 

On the agenda for the day … folding tons of laundry that I’ve been putting off, baking, picking up the house, getting some groceries, etc.

Have a great weekend!




  1. Love the festive plates! :)

    Happy weekend to ya!!

  2. Wow, look at those muscles!

    Have a nice relaxing day. I love grocery shopping and baking days!

  3. owww the baked apple looks so good! What did you do to make it?

  4. So jealous that you and your hubster work out together! What a great bonding activity :)

  5. Yum, the baked apple looks warm and delicious, the perfect fall dessert!

  6. daaaaang -- Eric should consider auditioning for the Hulk 3 (or 4.. I can't keep up these days)

    that apple looks incredible! how'd you prepare it lovely?

  7. that baked apple looks so good!!! how did you make it? I've been wanting to make some for a while and haven't found a good recipe/method.
    have a relaxing Sunday!


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