Friday, January 1, 2010

Goals of 2009, fitness goal announcement

Hey guys!

How’s your January thus far? Ever since posting some highlights of 2009, I’ve been anxiously awaiting to share my goals for 2010!

I was a busy bee all day! Ha, well, we slept in until 10:00 :s I had SUCH a hard time staying up until midnight last night so I probably needed it. I’m finally relaxing this evening with a Wild Sweet Orange Tazo tea in a mug my MIL gave me for Christmas : )A   It’s a perfect mug for Lesley Lifting Life!  It is a wonderful life :DAA

I don’t typically think much about goals or resolutions each year but this year … I’ve got a nice list of things I’d like to accomplish!

First off … I have a confession … I have slob-ish tendencies. Ha. Seriously. If there is a piece of paper on the floor, some people go crazy until that paper is picked up. That is not me. Typically, I don’t mind if that piece of paper sits there for awhile. Which brings me to my first goal for 2010:

  • Prioritize maintenance cleaning and keeping my house organized. I’m so good at letting it get messy when I could just do easy maintenance cleaning. Instead, I’m typically left with hours and hours of cleaning when I finally get sick of it all. I don’t want to do that anymore. Ha, it makes both Erik and me crabby!

Thus far, I’ve done a good job. I spent my January 1st taking down the Christmas tree, doing dishes, laundry, painting my kitchen, painting some cabinets, and cleaning out my fridge.


  • Be more social. Ha, for whatever reason, Erik and I were homebodies A LOT this year and apart from going to KC a lot (with ourselves, mind you ; ) we didn’t do much with other people. I think it was a combination of working large amounts of overtimes that we weren’t used to, adjusting to be homeowners and painting, renos, etc, and then Erik’s dad getting sick.
  • Run a 5k. I’ve never loved running much, but have started to enjoy it more this past year. I’ve never actually been in a race so I figured it’d be good to at least run one : )
  • Help those in need. Little or big, I’d like to participate in organizations that help others, be more giving and be more loving … basically, I’d just like to work on helping others more in whatever ways I can.
  • Prioritize reading the Bible. I got a tweet this morning from my church (@wolc) and it said, “It's a new year. Why not resolve to read through the entire Bible in 2010, starting today! RT @One_Year_Bible: Gen 1-3” And I thought … yeah … why not?

And for the last one … which also happens to be the fitness challenge I told you all about.  I’m very excited and very nervous about this one …

  • Compete in a natural figure competition. Since I discovered my love for lifting weights, I decided this would be a great way to motivate myself. When working out and lifting, I find that I do a much better job if I have a goal to work towards. I’m really nervous at the thought of actually being in the competition as I’m typically a really shy person who does NOT like to be in the spotlight. However, I like to experience new things and push myself out my my comfort zone and this will DEFINITELY be both of those things : )  I’m tentatively going to be in a show in either September or October. There’s a show close to me in October, and that will give me plenty of time to get in shape.  Ahhh! I’ll definitely keep you all updated.

So that’s it for me. Here’s to a new year! :D



  1. OMG!!! I have always DREAMED of competing in a show!! I have never been a big weight lifter but I do love challenging my body and mind. plus the thrill of being so insanely fit and actually have people "ooo" and "awwww" over you... gives me shivers! =)
    Good luck to you and your goals in 2010!!!

  2. yay, congrats! I'm so excited for you, and aren't you lucky you have a husband as a personal trainer :)

    I'm SHY person too, so it's okay! it should be interesting

  3. These are such great things to aspire for! Very reasonable and realistic but yet truly commendable! :)

    Good for you! ;)

  4. that's exciting about the fitness competition! good luck!

  5. Exciting goals!!! You'll do great! Can't wait to see your progress along the way to the competition!

    Be more social and stay more organized are definitely on my list too. Unfortunately, they're usually on there EVERY year :-)

  6. Oh WOW!! One of those figure competitions?! What a great goal! I can't wait to follow you through that, I've always thought those were so neat.

    I think the keeping organized goal is a good one too. Luckily I live with someone who is just as organized as I am, so that's nice. Sometimes he's even more organized than I am, which is scary.

    HAppy new year to you Lesley!

  7. Yay for new years! Okay, so I can help you with the social thing, and for outreach stuff, you and Erik should join us for Love Alliance service projects! They're always a lot of fun and you would love them.

  8. aww what great goals girl!! i LOVE your mug-adorable

  9. Wow, a fitness competition! That's a big and exciting goal for this year. Congratulations and good luck!

    (Also, I totally thought those cabinets were giant pieces of chocolate. Kind of disappointed, not going to lie.)

  10. Good Luck on your goals. I know that you can accomplish them.

    Happy New Year!

  11. Yay, I'm so excited for you! Committing to compete in a fitness competition, the journey to get there and all the people I met along the way made it one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Looking forward to following you through the process. Happy New Year!

  12. WOW! How exciting on the competition!!!! I did natural bodybuilding in my late 30's so never too late! I can see you doing the figure competitions! Can't wait to hear more!

    As for your others... I am like you with housework. I need to improve there as well AND we are homebodies too! Not socializers but actually I am OK with that.

    Sounds like you have great plans!

    Loved the mug too! :-)

  13. That's a fantastic fitness goal! I look forward to seeing your progress!! :)

  14. I showed you some love on my blog!

  15. very cool goals girl! I wish you the best of luck!

  16. that mug was MADE for you!

    best of luck with your goals, sweetie. I know you'll conquer 'em! xo

  17. Firstly, happy blogiversary! Woot!

    And I must admit to also being a bit slob-ish. That piece of paper wouldn't bother me, either! I think your 2010 goals are great. I love the helping others one -- big or small, it makes a difference, you're certainly right about that!

    Happy New Year and I hope 2010 brings you all the best!

  18. These are some great goals! I should piggy back your "cleaning" one. I can leave a piece of paper on the floor for longer than I'd like to admit!!! ;)

  19. Being more social and reading the Bible daily are two of my big ones as well! My church emailed a great site (that also has a blackberry/iphone app) that has a bunch of different plans for daily readings! Check it out:

    I could definitely use an accountability partner :)

  20. Exciting 2010 goals! Can't wait to hear about how you get ready for your competition. Good luck!
    Happy New Year!!!

  21. Figure competition! that is an awesome goal! I wish you the best!

    Too bad if I entered, the judges would be left trying to "figure out" what I was doing there.



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