Sunday, January 10, 2010

Celebration Date

I think I say this every weekend but …. I love weekends!

As you remember from my last post, I had exciting news to celebrate about. Long-and-slightly-complicated story short, I basically got a promotion. The department I have been working in the past year and a half was a pilot department so they started us all as temp workers. Well, they decided to hire two officially full time workers and after applying, interviewing, etc, etc, I am one of them …. and I’m so thankful and excited for it!

So, Erik and I went to KC for a little celebration. First, we stopped at Ted’s Montana Grill for dinner in the Power & Light District.AAAAAAAAAWe like Ted’s and hadn’t been there for awhile. We ate kind of early and as you can see … it was a packed house ;)AAAAAAAAAAAAWe entertained ourselves by taking pictures. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAI really like the booths at Ted’s because they’re so tall and really blocked off from the booths next to each other. It feels really private and enclosed. AAAAAA We were big drinkers … obviously!
Ted’s is known for being eco friendly with their paper straws, recycled paper menus, to-go cups that bio-degrade in landfills after just 50 days,  recyclable glass bottles, bio-degradable take-home food containers,  as well as working to conserve water and energy at all restaurants.

Erik got the bison burger on an oatie wheat bun with a baked potato. We’re pretty much always happy with their bison burgers. AAAI heard that their veggie burgers are good so I decided to try one, also on an oatie whole wheat bun, with roasted asparagus. I thoroughly enjoyed it : )AAAfter dinner, we went to see Avatar in Imax 3D. We didn’t really even know what Avatar was all about, just heard that it was good. Plus, neither of us have seen a movie in 3D before (does that make us lame?). It was a pretty good movie and the whole Imax 3D thing was pretty neat too! ; )

Plus, we got perfect seats, ha.ABefore the movie, we consumed some Turtle Mountain Purely Decedent Coconut Milk Cookie Dough ice cream. (And it was very good ; )

Now we’re off to church! Hope you’ve had a great weekend!!!



  1. Congrats on the promotion. I am glad you were able to celebrate!

  2. Congrats on the promotion!!! Yay you!!

    I've never been to a 3D movie before either!! Glad you had a great celebration night!!


  3. YAY!!! Congrats on the new job. I"m so happy for you.

  4. Congrats on the promotion!!!

    When I first read that y'all were celebrating, I thought you said that you were going to KFC. I thought, "Hmmmm...that doesn't seem right!" lol :-)

  5. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Congrats! That is so exciting :) Well deserved I'm sure. Great celebration night :) Happy Sunday

  6. Congrats on your promotion!

  7. Congratulations!!! Looks like you had a wonderful evening!

  8. awww congrats!!!
    yall are your hair like that!

  9. Congratulations on the promotion! That's awesome girly!

  10. Congratulations! :) I'd love to go to a restaurant with tall booths, eco-friendly utensils, and yummy burgers. ;) The bun's name is too cute.

  11. CONGRATS on your promotion! How very exciting!! I am sure you worked hard for it!

    I LOVED AVATAR & the 3D is amazing! I would see that movie again!

    Food looks good too! :-)

  12. moving on up! congrats, girlie :) xo

  13. Congrats on the promotion!! What exciting news!

    Ted's looks and sounds great!

  14. After watching Avatar in IMAX 3D can you IMAGINE watching it on DVD with a regular ol' TV?! I seriously thought I was a Navi fun.

    Coconut milk ice cream sounds like the perfect pre-movie munchie!

  15. Congrats on the promotion girl! Great celebration :)

  16. We have a Ted's around here and we've always liked going there. Their bison burgers are so great. Such a nice change when you get a craving for a burger.

  17. congrats on your new Job, L!!! :) so amazing!!

    coconut milk ice cream sound sgreat!!

  18. Congrats on the promotion, what a great way to start 2010! Have to know, was Avatar worth the length?

  19. awww congrats on the promotion! that's amazing and so exciting :)

    by the way i love your handbag!

  20. Huge congratulations for the promotion! You guys are too cute, I love your restaurant pics.

    I've never seen a 3d movie either, at least not one in actual theaters, only the ones at theme parks and such. So I guess I'm lame too haha. I'm kind of thinking I might have to see Avatar though! I wish we had an Imax near here, that would be so sweet!

  21. Congrats on the promotion Lesley :o) awesome start to the New Years!

  22. Congrats on your promotion!

  23. Ted's is also at Legend's I believe. Some great places down there. Check them out! Love your blog!


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