Saturday, May 9, 2009

Love You Forever; For My Mom

Happy Weekend!! : )

This post is for my mom. Since it's Mother's Day Weekend and my mom's birthday is on Monday I just wanted to say, I LOVE YOU, MOM!!! It seems like the older I get, the more I realize how blessed I am to have such a great mom. This is us a couple summers ago. I always think of this book, Love You Forever, when I think of my mom: She used to always read it to my sister and I when we were little and then I would get huge stacks of books before I could read and I'd "read" them out loud by flipping through the pages and saying whatever I remembered from when they were read to me.

If you're not familiar with this book, it's about a child growing up and every night, no matter how old he got, his mom would go into his room while he was sleeping and say "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Finally, the son grows up and says the same thing to his child and when his mom gets really old, the son goes into her room and picks her up and rocks her and says, "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be". Here's me "reading" it when I was around 3.
Now for some more pictures:My mom, sister and me at my graduation in '06.
My mom loves to sew and is very good at it. She can sew and/or fix just about anything out there. Here's her measuring how long a yard is and my sister behind making fun of her, haha.Speaking for sewing, here is a purse that she recently made. (Right now she's making one for my sister but mine is next ... woo hoo!)And though as my mom and I have talked about before, I know I don't fully appreciate handmade quilts yet like I may someday but since I'm bragging about my wonderful mom who deserves to be bragged about (is bragged a word?? ha), here is a "Winter Wonderland" quilt she made for my aunt this past Christmas. The center is embroidered and the outside are all pieced quilt blocks. (click the picture to enlarge and see details).And I couldn't help but include this picture of my dad with my mom's cat, Wilber, and dog, Harley both on my dad's lap. Haha. All our pets always seemed to like to sit on my dad's lap, no matter how big.

I'm sure I could go on and on about my mom ... she's always put us first, loved us no matter what and made us feel loved, we always had all we needed and more. (Not to mention she loves to garden and we always had wonderful fresh summer veggies ... which is another thing I didn't really appreciate until now!) One of my favorite things to eat right out of the garden was kohlrabi sliced with some salt.

Anyways, Mom, thanks for being the best mom in the world and I seem to always tell you this on Mother's Day, but I really mean it, even if I am 6 hours away from you and don't get to see you as much as I'd like ... "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be!"


  1. AWWHHH such gorgeous pictures!!!!

  2. So sweet. :-) Your mom seems like an awesome lady.

  3. awwwwwwwwwww what a fun post! Happy mothers day to your mama and happy birthday!

  4. awwwwww
    that book makes me cry like a baby!! my mom got me a copy for christmas a few years ago

  5. Great post! My mom used to read me that book too and she would always tear up at the end. When I see that book I always think of her.

  6. This is such a nice blog post! That purse your Mother made is incredible.

  7. What a BEAUTIFUL tribute to your Mom! I live so far away from my Mom and I miss her so much! This post just about brought tears to my eyes!


  8. Aw how sweet!! Great post in honor of your mom :)

  9. Lesley, I love it when you share pics of your family! I can see how blessed and loved you are! this post put a huge smile on my face! your positivity and warmth is infectious!

  10. I totally forgot about that book! Wow, I got a little teary reading this post. Yay for moms!

  11. Loving your Mom post!! I feel the very same about mine and think I've taken her for granted while growing up! We are so blessed to have such loving, caring Moms!!

  12. AWWWW...thanks for sharing all those pictures! Mom's are the best!

  13. I love that book! The first time I got it and read it to my first son, I could barely read it my eyes were tearing up so bad! I loved watching you "read" that book Lesley, so cute!

    I'm glad you like the teaspoons :0)

    Have a great day!

  14. You and your mom are so beautiful! Hope you get to spend some time honoring her today.

    Take care lesley!

  15. What a nice post! Happy Mom's Day to your mom and all the ladies out there:)

  16. awww! this was such a sweet post!

    you were such a cute lil kid! that video is hilarious!

  17. I think our moms would get along, my mom is a quilting fiend, haha. I really like that purse too. I also can't quite appreciate the quilts, mainly because I just can't fathom what exactly one would do with them (I know, I get it they're art, but still). I've made a few I finished, the other is probably going to be eternally "almost done".

    I love all the mom posts around today, and I especially love the video of you reading!! You are so cute :)

  18. I love that you are so close with your mom! That quilt is amamzing! I love, love, love that book. I always loved it as a child and will be reading it to my futire kids for sure!

  19. Oh that is SO sweet! I don't think I have any video of me at that age. I do remember that book, though. Hope you had a lovely weekend celebrating your mommy!

  20. Love the post! So very sweet:) Moms are such a wonderful blessing! and I loved that book when I was little.

  21. great post!

    ps i think they read that book on "friends" - haha

    very cute :)

  22. Lesley,
    A gorgeous Mom & daughter!! The video is SO precious. I used to read that to my son who is around your age! Love it.

  23. What a BEAUTIFUL post about your Momma :)

  24. such a sweet post! Your mom looks amazing, so nice and beautiful! :)

  25. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures of your family!

  26. Aww!!! That was such a cute post! Happy Mother's Day indeed!

  27. What sweet things you say about your mom! And I love that you have that video on YouTube! You were adorable... and totally rocking that haircut :)

  28. Awww, cute photos of you and your mom!

    My family owns that book, and my mom used to read it to us. :-)

  29. I LOVE that book too! Sounds like you have an amazing Mom....seriously are so cute!:)

  30. AWWWW! My mom always read us that book, too!


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