Sunday, May 17, 2009

Homemade Chocolate Chips, Etc.

Hello everyone! : )

I have been away too long! It appears as though lately I'm averaging about one post a week ... I've just been posting when I find the extra time and it normally only comes on the weekends these days (though I do wish it would come more often and I do wish I had more time to keep up with other blogs better than I have been!)

Buuuuut, I've been enjoying my busy life : ) Here's some recap ... I very excitedly recently received a package of some samples from Amazing Grass to review an that will be coming shortly! (hint: I really like this stuff!!) Much more about Amazing Grass to come later!

Speaking of packages ... due to my lack of posting, I haven't had a chance via blog post to thank Jennifer, from Slim Shoppin' who recently and generously sent me some of her old workout tapes aaaand nicely included these cute teaspoons. Thanks again, Jennifer : ) In other news, inspired by Angela's raw chocolate chip cookies, this past week I made some cookies and decided to make my own chocolate chips. It was so easy and they were so good. I wouldn't have ever thought of this ... I simply used:

-2 T coconut oil
-3/4 cup cacao powder
-4 T agave nectar

-2 ts vanilla

Then, I simply flowed Angela's directions to roll those mixed ingredients out onto parchment paper and freeze for approximately 30 minutes, then cut into your chips.

Before: And After: Thanks again for the great idea, Angela ... I will definitely be making these again!

Annnd, we've recently frequented a new restaurant in the mall and found some sushi that actually doesn't taste horrible for being in our town. (Though the portion sizes here are quite large). When we want a sushi fix, we're glad to have this place over our typical not quite as fresh sushi from a local grocery store we normally get it from (as there aren't a lot of options here). Anyways, that's some of what I've been up to lately. Now I'm about to eat some breakfast, shower, and go to church. Then, we'll probably come home and I'll finish cleaning house from yesterday and my husband will finish putting up a new fence in our backyard. (It's nice to get things done!)

Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!!! : )

"Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what's best— as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You're in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You're ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes."
-Matthew 6:9-13, Message Bible-

P.S. -- Fitness post to come soon!


  1. I'm in love with those measuring spoons!! So cute! Can't wait for your reviews!

  2. homemade chocolate chips!!love it. did they taste like coconut at all from the coconut oil?

  3. What adorable measuring spoons! I wonder where she found those!
    That sushi looks FANTASTIC. The larger portions would be A-OK with me ;) Hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. Those measuring spoons are so adorable!I made those chocolate chips myself, I love them.

    Can't wait for those reviews. Have a great Sunday!

  5. AWWHHH those measuring spoons are so cute!

  6. Those spoons are precious!
    Hope you have a nice day ;)

  7. Your chocolate chips look awesome! I have those measuring spoons too :)

  8. I love, love, love those spoons!

    Those chocolate chips look SO GOOD. Everything is better homemade than out of a bag...I just have to get the motivation to do it. :-)

  9. I've been posting very infrequently as well! Its so hard to find time these days! Love the heart measuing spoons- TOO cute! And making your own chocolate chips? I love it! Totally trying it

  10. Glad you've been enjoying life! :-) Those teaspoons are so adorable!

    Thanks for the homemade choc chip recipe! I bet those would taste great in oats.

  11. those hearty measuring spoons are so cute!!! :) and homemade chocolate chips?! wooo... so cool! :)

  12. Aw,I'm so glad to see you are back. I've missed ya girl!

    Sounds like you are having a wonderful, productive time and it's totally understandable that you've been doing weekly posts. Sometimes, life just gets hectic.

    Sushi looks wonderful. I haven't had it in so long and now I am craving some!

    Hope you had a great weekend.

  13. I would have never thought of making my own chocolate chips. Very cool! :-) Good to see a post from you, but also good to hear you are out enjoying and living life. Fitting in time to blog can be hard - I know, I work a full time and a part time job. It is tough! But it's more important to not stress and do it when you can. :-)

  14. i like your homemade chocolate chips!! :) your sushi looks really good, i've been eating alot of sushi lately. glad you found somewhere that you like!

  15. Oh wow, thanks so much for sharing about the chocolate chips! I love using them in my baking, but always worry about additives. I'd never thought of making my own! Brilliant! :)

    I can't wait to see the review. Looks like some interesting stuff!

  16. cute spoons! sooo cool!
    I hope you had a blessed time at church!

  17. I'm totally impressed that you make your own chocolate chips!

  18. Can't wait to hear about Amazing Grass! I showed my daughter your chocolate chips and we'll be making some this weekend! :)

  19. How neat that you made your own chocolate chips! Awesome!

  20. Those measuring spoons are too cute!!

  21. omg homemade choc chips! AH they look so good. and love amazing grasssss :) it makes me feel so alive!

  22. Thanks for the shout out Lesley!

    I'm glad you liked the work out tapes and the teaspoons!

    I can't wait to make these homemade chocolate chips!

  23. Schweetness! Who knew you could make your own chocolate chips. Such a good idea! :)

  24. Agreed! The homemade chocolate chips are genius! Although I'll probably always be too lazy to do it, at least the process is de-mystified. :)

    Hope life slows down for ya! Only if you find it TOO busy, that is... :)

  25. That message is so beautiful- thanks for sharing :D

    I have something that I need help on- can you tell me how you organized your labels like that? i.e. Home, About Me, Product Reviews, etc.. Please help me? lol

  26. Both your sushi and chocolate chips look amazing! Those measuring spoons are adorable!


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