Five months old already!
I'm sure I keep saying this but, man, time flies by! It feels like about every week I write these updates, not every month. You're growing so much and you continue to bring more and more joy with each new skill you develop and each "first" you have. We love hearing more and more laughs and happy squeals each and every day!
Five Months
What you weigh: approx 15 lbs, 9.6 ounces
Eating: You're down to eating about every 3-4 hrs during the day and about once at night. Most of the time, you eat in about 15 minutes unless it's bedtime or you're sleepy. You still kind of cluster feed and bedtimes can still take several hours bc of your slow and drawn out eating.
Sleeping: You take naps now! Consistently! Twice a day! They're in the Boba carrier but mommy is just glad you take them. It makes for a happier day for the both of us. We had about a week this month where you woke up every hour or two hours at night but for the most part, you're still waking once or twice.
Clothes: 6 months or 6-9 months with a few 9 months fitting here at the end of the month. You will certainly be able to wear all your 9 month clothes by the end of February.
Favorite Activities: Jumping! You absolutely love to jump when being held and stood up on the floor or a lap. You also kick those cute little feet a lot. Loving time in the jumper, Boba carrier, being sung to, clapping, laughs from mom and dad, tummy kisses, smiling, and squealing
Least Favorite Activities: Once again, being in the car seat for too long, ha.
Big moments/firsts:
- You got dedicated to The Lord in church this month
- You've taken up high pitched girly screaming/squealing
- You started jumping like crazy this month
- You've taken up high pitched girly screaming/squealing
- You started jumping like crazy this month
- Grandma Kris and Grandpa came and visited
- We got you a convertible car seat to try out in hopes you'll like it better than your bucket car seat
- You've still yet to roll back to tummy but you have come SO close. It's just more fun to jump, I know.
- Laughter is being heard more frequently as well as happy squeals
- We've figured out how to conquer those red dry cheeks with California Baby calendula cream, woo hoo!
- You're constantly drooling so we usually keep a bib on you all day lest we have to change your shirt 20 times a day ha
January Photos