Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BADSEED turnips steal the show

One of the very best things about summer? Fresh produce, of course!

That and open windows, flip flops, dresses, open toed heels, barbeques, smoothies, snow cones, outdoor dining, homemade ice cream, an early sunrise, late sunsets, fresh juice, and farmers markets!

One of our favorite farmers markets is BADSEED, open Friday nights.


The creators/farmers of BADSEED, Brooke Salvaggio and Daniel Heryver, host a handful of other venders at their funky Kansas City Crossroads Art District location.  You’ll find everything local from vegetables, handcrafted homemade bread, cheese, coffee, tea bags, kombucha, soda, eggs, and more.

Phew, highlighting all the venders could be about 10 different blog posts in itself! I shall spare you {at least for now, ha}


So anyways, this past Friday night we picked up their “sexy veggie of the week”, some ruby red turnips.  They were beautiful, and delicious!

I was too caught up in creating something with them that I totally spaced on taking a picture of them pre chopping. I used the whole turnip in this dish, first highlighting the actual turnip heads (or whatever you want to call them?) …

Turnip “Chips”

-- 3 to 4 turnips
-- olive oil
-- seasonings of choice (I used sea salt, and a little chili powder)

Chop them up into “chips” (or fries), toss them in olive oil/seasoning, stick them onto a baking sheet, and pop ‘em in the oven at 400 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes.

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I then utilized the turnip greens in a delicious vegetarian quinoa dish!

Turnip Greens & Black Bean Quinoa

- cooked quinoa
- chopped turnip greens
- 1 can black beans (used Eden Organic brand due to their no BPA lining)
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2 cups vegetable broth (I used a no salt added vegetable bouillon cube)
- 3 tablespoons minced garlic
- 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- olive oil
- sea salt & pepper, to taste

**sauté chopped onions and garlic in olive oil. once they’re soft, add all other ingredients minus the quinoa. leave skillet on low to medium heat for about 10 minutes. combine the cooked quinoa and greens mixture, and eat it all up alongside your turnip chips!

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Who knew some turnips could steal the show?

The grand opening of Brooke and Daniel’s URBAVORE Farmstand, as well as a new city-wide composting program is being held this Saturday, June 4th from 2-6.  We’re pretty excited to check it out!
Word on the street is Fresher than Fresh is going to be there too Winking smile

I’m in!


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