Friday, February 25, 2011


Happy Friday!Smile

Who knew yesterday would end up looking like this??
Before yesterday, I naively thought that maybe, just maybe the snowy weather was all over.  After all, just last week I had my window cracked all day long and it felt wonderful! No such luck … but such is life in the Midwest.

Needless to say, as the wind was swirling about snow all day yesterday, I stayed tucked away inside working away with warm tea and comfort food.
My comfort food lunch reminded me of when I was little.  It’s been a really long time since I’ve had a pot pie!AIt sounded cozy, and warm for an easy lunch, so I picked it up at Whole Foods the other day. 

Amy’s frozen food never seems to disappoint me! And even though it’s still a frozen meal, it’s nice to know it’s organic and that there’s no additives, preservatives or GMOs.  They definitely make the best frozen meals I’ve ever had.AAAPerfect for the last snow day (hopefully!) of the year.AAAAAnd for dinner … thankfully, Erik had leftover pizza dough and whipped up another pizza while I was finishing up my work.
CCIn the News

Last but not least, here’s a few health/food related articles I read this morning (thanks to my Facebook friends that posted them, ha) that I found interesting.  One is about the effects that Monsato’s Roundup ready crops causing harm to animals, and the other’s about McDonald’s healthy(?) newest edition of oatmeal.  Just to give you a taste … here’s my favorite line from the article:

“A more accurate description than “100% natural whole-grain oats,” “plump raisins,” “sweet cranberries” and “crisp fresh apples” would be “oats, sugar, sweetened dried fruit, cream and 11 weird ingredients you would never keep in your kitchen.”

I guess it’s really no surprise! Anyway … here they are:

Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Crops Contain Organism Causing Animal Miscarriages, Scientist Says

How to Make Oatmeal … Wrong.

Enjoy!  And have a great weekend, everyone Open-mouthed smile



  1. Stay warm over there! That pot pie looks seriously amazing...I may need to pick one up :) I <3 Amy's products!! Oh McDonalds...can't you do ANYTHING right??

  2. I have never had any of her frozen meals before. They all look so good, though =)

  3. yeah, i'm ready for spring :) i was never a huge fan of pot pies, but that looks perfect for a cold day! and that pizza, i could go for a slice! Oh Monsanto... eek.

  4. The pot pie looks good---it's been a while for me, but definitely good weather for it here. I'm a pretty big fan of Amy's brand.! Yum!

  5. What fun links; thanks for them! I hope it warms up soon. I've been loving the sunshine recently

  6. i have never had an amys frozen meal before.. but that looks SO good!! like on the box, to out of the box... woah!


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