Sunday, January 30, 2011


Thanks, everyone, for the nice comments on the few house pictures I posted.  Hopefully I’ll be cooking and baking a lot, so I can do that kitchen justice!

Erik and I have been busy little bees trying to get everything in order in our old and new house.  We spent all Saturday on various house projects, thus both waking up this morning very sore, ha.  It didn’t help that yesterday I started my morning with Jillian:AAAAI’m a little behind with the 30 Day Shred workout craze, but since everyone seemed to always say good things about it, I decided to order it along with a couple other Jillian DVDs.  Thus far I’ve started with Level 1 of 30 Day Shred.  So far, so good, ha.  I can definitely feel it today, so I know it’s working! 

What’s your favorite workout DVD?

I’m convinced it’s no coincidence that this came in the mail shortly after those Jillian DVDs:A My nice husband got me this “Zenzational” Whole Foods gift package, just because.  It came complete with lotion, shower gel, bath crystals, a bath pillow, hot tea bags, a candle, and more.  Basically, I love it! 

Erik is a keeper! Winking smileAASpeaking of getting things in the mail … I had some Target gift cards from Christmas that I’ve been holding onto trying to decide what to get.  The other day, it dawned on me … I’m now working at home, and what have I always wanted to sit on at my desk?

A stability ball chair!  I checked out Target’s website, and found this Gaiam chair:BThus far I’ve used it about a day, and I’m really liking it.  I was worried it might be too short, but I’m finding if anything, it’s even too tall for my desk.  Thankfully, I just have to let a little air out of the ball. 

If anyone else has ever used them, what’s your thoughts on stability ball office chairs?

And since this post is quickly becoming longer than planned, I’ll end with my morning … breakfast was some strawberry Kashi cereal with chia seeds, granola, and chocolate peanut butter.  Perfect combination!AAAI’m now off to drink my tea, get ready, and head off to church.

Happy Sunday, everyone! Open-mouthed smile



  1. Ow! What a nice gift! Great job Erik!! I want one of those chairs- I heard they're awesome for pregnancy. Happy Sunday to you too

  2. I'd like to see a picture of you sitting on that chair. I'm curious! :)
    Sounds like you've been busy! Can't wait til April and I'll come see you guys and your new abode!!

  3. What a wonderful husband you have! :)

    I used a stability ball as a desk chair last year because it was easier on my hamstring. I hope it works out for you!

  4. I love the Jillian Michael's workouts but currently, I'm obsessed with Insanity. Another great workout DVD is anything by Jackie Warner. All very tough!

    Glad to hear you guys are settling in. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  5. Dear Lesley, You are lame for leaving me, but I forgive you... I can't wait to swap DVDs, I better be a busy little birdie and hurry up and finish my 6-week program. I can't wait to see if your ball works - at work they said that if I wanted a holder, I would have to get a doctor's note for that as well.... lame, I know. Anyway, Erik, you rock for buying the Zenzational package for Lesley, and I can't help but think that my twin sister probably came up with the name Zenzational. Well later gater and I'll talk to you soon!

  6. I love 30-day shred and No More Trouble Zones. They're both great.
    I feel like I definitely get something accomplished when I finish them. I'm usually sore head to toe from NMTZ, great feeling.

  7. yay! I love your new office "chair" and I am also in love with your kitchen!
    ugh mine is so pitiful, i can't wait for the demo day.

    good luck with your new "home" gig!

  8. yay! I love your new office "chair" and I am also in love with your kitchen!
    ugh mine is so pitiful, i can't wait for the demo day.

    good luck with your new "home" gig


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