Monday, September 20, 2010

Serve Yo’ Self

Happy Monday, slash, September 20th!

Today is my Monday off so just like my last Monday-off post, I’m on the road to KC with Erik stocking vending machines.

Stuck in a van all day that’s packed full of fun food, it’s only natural that I eat some of it.  You would too.BBB ::: [REWIND TO YESTERDAY] :::

Yesterday, we were also in Kansas City for the purpose of running some errands.  With these errands, was included fun and good food in which my friend, Jenn, joined us in. 

We suckered Erik into taking some pictures of us.  Mostly, the ones where we weren’t ready are the best … go figure.AAAA Jennifer was longing to take a jumping picture so finally I obliged.

Clearly, I don’t have the art of photo jumping down … at all.  It didn’t occur to me until AFTER we had taken a billion pictures that I needed to actually BEND my legs … what a novel idea, right?AAAA B
Once picture taking commenced, we ventured to none other than Yogurtini, our [lately] home away from home to consume some frozen yogurt.

It was PACKED.  As you can see below, the line was out the door and continued to stay so for quite some time.BB Erik really wanted his picture taken, as you can tell by his blatant enthusiasm ; )BBB C
My mix was as follows, with a little of each froyo flavor:

  • Plain tart
  • Apple tartini
  • Mint
  • Pineapple

They, of course, don’t sound like they belong together even a little bit … and maybe they don’t … but let me tell you, each and every flavor and bite was thoroughly enjoyed by me, my taste buds, and my stomach.BBBB   It’s probably a good thing 45 minutes separate me from Yogurtini because I might go there way too frequently if not.


I’m sad for these (aka flowers, in general) …CCC … to be shriveling and drying up for the impending season change but I’m actually really ready for fall.  Hello, pumpkin in everything! : )

What’s your favorite season??  My favorite season seems to be whatever season is next, ha.  In the summer, I love it, but I’m ready for fall.  In the fall, I love it, but I’m ready for winter (okay, at least the Christmas part of winter plus a little snow).  In winter, I’m ready for spring.  In spring, I love it, but I’m ready for summer.  Funny how that works. 

And despite how much I will be complaining about the cold and snow when winter does arrive, I’m secretly glad I live somewhere in which  I get to fully experience each season. (Shhh, I may never admit this again).

Catch you all later : )



  1. Fro Yo is my favorite treat ever! YUM!

  2. Yay for Fro YO!!! I wish we would get soft serve around here. Still waiting patiently! :)

  3. Such fun pictures :) Love love pop chips- they are such a delicious snack. And we are getting a self serve yogurt shop in my town- can't wait!

  4. I would love a fro-yo place like that around here!!!

    Fall is my absolute favorite time of year, Summer being the least favorite.


  5. I really wish our college campus would have good vending machines like yours--or even just PopChips and I'd be happy haha! And a fro yo place like that somewhere in town wouldn't hurt either..glad you enjoyed your day off!!


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