Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Green Bible

Hey everyone!  : )

I don’t know about you but I am so glad the weekend is almost here! (Erik has to work which is sad buuut otherwise, I’m excited for it to be here).

I’m tired. Tonight I plan on hanging out with Erik for awhile and then reading some of this:

Picture 59711

All throughout Jr. High and High School (and even after really up until I got married) I’ve always loved to journal. Every single day I would journal and write my thoughts, my prayers, my worries, my feelings, everything. It was always such a great release and way to focus myself on what’s really important.

Life gets more hectic and busy when you get married and have a full time job so I haven’t journaled in such a long time. I’ve been feeling like doing so more and more lately so that’s what my plan is for tonight along with reading my Bible.

Picture 59714

I got this Bible about a year ago and I love it. It’s called “The Green Bible”. As the website says,

“The Green Bible will equip and encourage people to see God's vision for creation and help them engage in the work of healing and sustaining it. With over 1,000 references to the earth in the Bible, compared to 490 references to heaven and 530 references to love, the Bible carries a powerful message for the earth.”

I truly believe that. God cares about the Earth and his plan is to restore it to all it’s goodness. 

About The Green Bible

(from their website)

The Green Bible is the definitive movement Bible that shows that God is green and how we can care for and protect God's creation.

  • Green-Letter Edition: Verses and passages that speak to God's care for creation highlighted in green
  • Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu
  • Essays by Brian McLaren, Cal DeWitt, Barbara Brown Taylor, Pope John Paul II, Ellen Davis, N. T. Wright, Ellen Bernstein, Matthew Sleeth, James Jones, and Gordon Aeschliman
  • Inspirational quotes from Christian teachings throughout the ages
  • A green Bible topical index
  • A personal green Bible trail study guide
  • An appendix with information on further reading, how to get involved, and practical steps to take
  • Recycled paper, using soy-based ink with a cotton/linen cover

I will leave you all with some quotes from the forward:

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Picture 59717(This Anne Frank one is my favorite!)

Picture 59730

Don’t forget to stop for a moment and pay attention to the beautiful fall leaves and feel the crisp autumn air ; )




  1. Its so hard to slow down sometimes, this is a wonderful reminder :) Just beautiful- enjoy your weekend!

  2. Beautiful verses. Often it is hard to slow down and truly enjoy the good things.

  3. Great post Lesley.

    I journal as well. I haven't done it as much lately, and I appreciate the reminder to do so. I used to journal about everything, now it's only when memorable events happen. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed your evening!

  4. God is Green! I love it. Perfect post as I begin to reconnect with my own Bible right here on my nightstand. And now I shall pick it up before I shut my eyes. g'nite!

  5. I am obsessed with that Anne Frank quote ... it's so true!

  6. Isn't Gods creations so amazing?! And nature is just the beginning--look at all the unique people!

    I have a HUGE collection of different bibles, but have not heard of that one yet!! Thanks for sharing :-)

  7. Hi Doll!

    How are you doing??

    This post is exactly what I needed to read this morning! I am going through a lot of “spiritual” questions lately and finding myself and what I believe in. So this book might help me!

    I hope you are having a great day!!


Thanks for stopping by!

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