Friday, July 31, 2009

And the Winner Is ....

I thought about putting this at the very end, buuuuuut decided the top would be more exciting. Thank you for all who entered!! I wish you could have all won, I really do! However, without further ado, randomly selected using, the lucky winner of the Livin' Life Giveaway is ..........

Emily, of the health nut!! (Just don't forget to e-mail me your address, Emily, and congrats! ; )
Now onto regularly scheduled posting:

Yay for weekends!!!!

Any rhubarb fans out there? Growing up, my mom always had rhubarb in her garden and would make rhubarb just about anything; pie, jelly, bread, etc. (here was her garden about a month ago ... I'm sure it looks even better now)So since it's summertime and I'm not close enough to have her rhubarb and I haven't had any in a long time, I got this: I put them in my oats just to see if I'd like it and needless to say, they were found wanting. I knew it wouldn't be like right out of the garden but I was expecting a little more from them. Anyone have healthy ideas or recipes using rhubarb?? (because now I have a whole bag of frozen rhubarb that I don't know what to do with, ha).

Here's an idea of how much my lovely pooches are shedding .... in this picture you will find Adrian looking like she has mange. You may also note the floor around them looking dirty. Well, it's from all their hair that makes it necessary to sweep just about every day. (And as you can maybe tell, I didn't sweep yesterday, ha). And yesterday Adrian simply brushed up against my black work pants and my pants turned white. Erik brushed them not too long ago but they need it again!

Along with doing some cleaning, laundry, etc, and spending time with the hubby, here's my current magazine stack I'd like to catch up on. Mother Earth News, Oxygen, and Clean Eating (P.S. as you can prob tell by the Oxgyen and Clean Eating magazines, I'm a fan of Tosca ; )

As I came for lunch today, I found a package from Foodbuzz at my doorstep with this inside:
Thanks, Foodbuzz and Emeril! I'm especially excited to try out some of that mustard. More to come later ...

Have a great Friday night!

"Beauty is the final objective of God’s gracious work, and ashes seem to be His favorite medium. God is the creator of beauty and a connoisseur of all that is truly beautiful. God is an artist, His canvas is creation, and in our lives tears and ashes are often His oil and clay as He works relentlessly to make something beautiful."

--Brian Zahnd, "What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life" (aka the book that was in my giveaway;)


  1. Yay! I'm so glad I won your giveaway! I love the quote at the end of your post, and I can't wait to read the rest of the book! :-)

    Your mom's garden looks beautiful. I really want to start a garden, too. Rhubarb is one of my favorite yogurt toppings in the summer.

  2. I love that last quote!!

    Rhubarb-- yup Im a junkie for it!! :) we had fields of it growing up! LOVE!!!

  3. Hi Les! I love your Blog! GREAT Giveaway!!!!
    Congrat Emily! ENJOY!!!

  4. hey girl :) krista from has used rhubard in some delicious looking muffins! shoot her an email she'll definitely fill you in on teh good stuff!

  5. EMERIL!! I love that guy, but have yet to try their products.
    I've never had rhubarb before. Wonder what it tastes like!

  6. Congrats to to the winner! Ah the shedding is sooooo annoying. I always feel like I need to clean! Hope you guys have a great weekend

  7. I can honestly say that I have never tried Rhubarb... I know, I know. I need to. I just don't know where to even find this stuff.

  8. I've only had rhubarb one time in my life, in a pie! My grandma loved rhubarb, and made great rhubarb pies. I should try it more often because my grandma and I are very much alike! I should look for the frozen variety, I'm all about frozen fruit :)

  9. I just bought the Clean Eating magazine! I plan to read it tomorrow on my way to Boston!

  10. congrats Em!

    I have never tried rhubarb! It looks really good though!

  11. girlfriend you should totally be the spokeswoman for emeril!

  12. thanks so much for your sweet comment - that site was very uplifting =)

    how about a healthified strawberry rhubarb pie??? I don't exactly have a recipe, but I'm sure you could sub stevia for sugar - and just chop up a lot of strawberries and rhubarb....from what I have heard, and once tried for myself, they are amazing!

  13. actually.... you could sweeten in with agave nectar too!


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