Thursday, June 4, 2009

Puerto Rico, Bread, and Gardens

Let's here it for my 2nd post on a weekday so far this week ... woo hoo! ha.

I've been slacking off in that I haven't even mentioned the weather recently ... I used to do that all the time, lol. Here's all I have to say ... I'm loving this Spring/Summer-ey weather!! : ) (Though I must admit, I wish I lived by a beach ... anyone have one I could borrow? I can't seem to find any in Missouri!) Last time I was at a beach was in Puerto Rico about a year ago on a mission's trip. I sure loved it there! Can I go back, please?Back to reality ... I'm thankful for the beautiful weather ... beach or not.

Now onto some randomness ... I love sprouted grain bread! We recently tried this sprouted rye seed bread. Here are the stats and ingredients for anyone who cares:Conclusion? I liked it but there were a few bites that I tasted the caraway seeds just a little too much for my likings (I don't love caraway seeds, but they're growing on me). I decided I prefer they sprouted barley bread version much better.

Last night, I cooked some chicken breasts buuut we didn't feel like eating them so instead ... we had our wonderful stand-by ... egg sandwiches (did I ever mention my husband makes the best egg sandwiches ever? because he does!!)He cooks the eggs in coconut oil and mixes them with rice and seasonings, and they taste best with a laughing cow wedge spread onto the bread ... mmm!

He was even nice enough (even though he wasn't feeling well) to make one for me, too : )

And last but not least in all this randomness ... here is a picture of my mom's beginning-to-look-pretty-bountiful vegetable garden(Which includes potatoes, cantaloupe, onions, kohlrabi, beets and beans. You can't see the cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, tomatoes and peppers. I wish I lived closer so I could go veggie shopping in her garden!)

Aaaand here is a picture of some of her really pretty clematis: (click to enlarge ... it'll look even better!) (Disclaimer: I know nothing about flowering or gardening. The only reason I even knew this was clematis is because of the caption under my mom's Facebook "Garden & Flowers" photo album, in which I stole this picture from. But one thing I do know is that my mom is pretty much the best gardener I know!)


  1. Your moms garden looks so good! Love fresh fruits and veggies :) You can borrow our beach! Come to SC!

  2. Those egg sandwiches sound awesome! Your mom has a beautiful garden, too :)

  3. One of our favorite things in the world is egg sammies too! Your hubby does seem to make some pretty kick-butt ones though. I love his little secrets to making them fabulous.

    Hope you are doing well and having the most incredible week sweet heart!

    Take care and talk to you soon.

  4. I've never been to Puerto Rico but your picture makes me want to. I bet it is beautiful there!!

  5. Meet me in Sarasota next week - we have some pretty fabulous beaches there!! ;)

  6. I want an egg sammich made by your hubby!

  7. I think Alvardo is the only sprouted bread I haven't tried yet - thanks for the review!! What a gorgeous picture of you in Puerto Rico!

  8. that's a great pic of you at the ocean! the garden looks beautiful, i want a garden!!

  9. Thanks for reviewing the bread. I had been wondering what that "flavor" was like. Now I know NOT to buy it since I really don't like caroway seeds much. Have you tried to hemp bread? SO GOOD!

    I'm new to your blog but love it so far. I JUST started one of my own....the Spice of Strength. Stop by sometime!

  10. Definitely want to try sprouted grain bread - I've heard that it's the best option if you're going to eat bread (according to raw foodists, that is). I'm all about healthy upgrades!

    Have a great weekend Lesley!

  11. Lately I've been hearing so much about Puerto Rico and I really want to go. Even though I'm headed to Brazil I share your feelings about having a beach nearby. There isn't one near me either. :(

    That bread sounds great! I'm so so on caraway seeds too, but everything else in it sounds good.

  12. I'd love to be at the beach too!

    Your mom's garden is fabulous!

  13. Wow that garden looks amazing! I wish I could have a garden. But I don't have the best green thumb ;)

    That egg sandwich sounds great. Could you post a recipe of email it to me? I love egg sandwiches, but yours sounds so much better than mine which includes eggs and mayo! lol.

    Hope you have a great week!

  14. That's one amazing garden! Love that your mom is growing beets. If she has any extra, I'd love to take it off of her hands ;)

  15. Hi Lesley! I'm behind on my blog reading!! How are you? I'm so jealous of your Mom's garden. I just have my two topsy turvey plants right now, I can't wait until I see tomatoes!

    Hope you are having a great summer!

  16. those egg sandwiches look so interesting - especially with the rice. I think that sounds delicious! what a great garden your mom has going - love that.

  17. Those egg sandwiches sound so good!! And the garden is amazing, I am sure your mom must be getting a bounty of veggies!!

  18. not sure if you use google reader, but my subscrition address has changed to so make sure you change it, i dont wanna lose you. but dont worry, my website is still the same, so if you dont use reader, no worries :) happy friday love!!

  19. I miss the beach, too. It's been a couple years since I've seen the ocean and I really, really need to get there. Soon.

    Hooray for your mom's veggie garden! I hope she shares with you. ;)


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