Monday, April 13, 2009

Sisters and Cupcakes

Another week already?? Yep!

It's hard to believe that's it's the 13th of April already!! Crazy! Speaking of today ... it's my wonderful big sister's birthday today, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KARMON!!! (she doesn't always read my blog but I'll make sure she reads this one;)
Growing up I always wanted to be JUST like her. I'm so thankful and blessed to have grown up with such a wonderful, helpful, sister who was my best friend. (And still is except I miss her and don't get to see her enough).

We're three years apart, always got along, and I have so many great memories with my sissy. In Junior High/High School we shared each other wardrobes (and really everything). When I went off to college it was awful having to figure out who got to keep what (unfortunately all the good stuff was technically hers, haha). But I snuck away with some of her stuff that she didn't need ; )So, thanks for being my sissy and I love you sister ... BURST!So how was everyone's Easter? Mine was good. We went over to my mother-in-laws and had yummy food! She always makes sweet potaotes in a crock pot and they always turn out so moist and sweet tasting. On Saturday I made Berry-Filled Vanilla Cupcakes
I got the recipe out of the most recent Clean Eating Magzine, and the recipe involves spelt flour, vanilla, berries, among a few other things. Now I'm gonna go change before my husband gets home so we can pump some iron ; ) Random Update: I'm beginning to like lifting more and more and I actually look forward to it lately whereas before, I just about dreaded it! Hooray!

Tune in next for my next post about a few of my thoughts on dining out!

Hope the beginning of your week is off to a wonderful start : )

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
-Soren Kierkegaard-



  2. that cupcake recipe caught my eye too- how were they?

  3. thats wonderful that you have such a great relationship with your sister AND that you are only 3 years apart - my sis is 7 yrs older than me, so we never really clicked - anyhow, the cupcakes look amazing, hard to believe that they are healthy!

  4. You are both so gorgeous! I was never close with my sisters even though we are close in age :(

  5. Aw, you are both too pretty! My sister and I are really close too, even though we are 10+ years apart

  6. happy bday to your sis!

    I am super close with my sister, too! We have the wardrobe problem and always say that if we ever lived by eachother again, we'd have the hugest wardrobe ever!

  7. Awh, you two look so cute together!!!

  8. cupcakes are adorable and you two sisters are GORGEOUS!

  9. Awwwwwwwwwww Happy Birthday to your sis! Your are both so beautiful! The cupcakes look awesome :) Glad you had a nice Easter

  10. those cupcakes look delish! hope your sis had a great birthday :)

  11. Happy birthday to your sister. Both of you look so gorgeous!

    Loving the cupcake!

  12. happy birthday to your sis! and happy easter!

  13. You and your big sis are too cute!

    Glad to hear you had a great Easter and your cupcakes look so yummy.

    Hope you are off to a great week Lesley!

  14. happy birthday to your lovely sister! I'm so jealous of you. I wish I had a sister to be my best friend too!
    oh...that vanilla cupcake looks scrumptious! I need to get that clean eating magazine soon! :)

  15. wow I'm jealous of your relationship with your sister. I hope my sister and I get to be that close. It has been better since I've been in college. I'm glad you had a nice easter =)

  16. What a great post! I have two sisters that I'm really close with too. Sisters make life a million times better! :)

    Glad you had a nice Easter. The cupcakes look delish!

  17. Happy birthday to your sister! I think it's cool that you two are so close. :)

    I'm glad you had a nice Easter!

  18. Pretty ladies and pretty cupcakes! Great post all around. :)

  19. aw that is so fantastic! lovely post about your sister.

    Thanks for the congrats! I am super excited!

  20. your so lucky to have such a wonderufl sister! im an only child and always wished I had someone like that

  21. Aw i always wanted a sister just for that kind of bond! You two are so cute!

    Your muffins look amazing. I want one!

  22. Awe, how sweet! I always wanted a sister... of course I wouldn't give up anything for my brother!

    You guys are both so beautiful!
    Those cupcakes look fantastic!

  23. Happy Birthday to your sister! I love the pic of you 2 looking at each other - you're both so gorg! I have 2 sisters - they are my best friends, and I can't imagine life without them (and their shoes/clothes/accesories). ;-)

    I am so jealous you like lifting more! What do you think changed? I need to get inspired - I just always talk myself out of it.

  24. Those cupcakes! Yum! Cute pictures of you and your sister. I have a sister too and we still always borrow (or steal) each others clothes. :)

  25. That's awesome. I have three older brothers so I always like reading the sister experiences of others. :)

    Great news about lifting. I have to get back into it more. I used to love it more than any other form of exercise, but lately I've gotten into doing more at-home stuff with the ball and Pilates.

  26. The photos of you and your sis are so cute. I'm close to my sisters but they are much older so I saw them more as role models and less as friends growing up. It looks like you guys have both :)

  27. Wow - fabulous cupcakes!!


  28. You are both beautiful! :-) My sis was like a second mom to me - she's 15 years older. I so need to check out Clean Eating mag. That's one I haven't ever read before. I need to go look for it! It sounds good! And I prefer to lift rather than do cardio. I think weights have changed my body more than anything. I would gladly abandon the treadmill for the weight room!

  29. Happy Birthday to your sis!! So cute:) Way to pump it!!!

  30. wow, that's great that you have such a close relationship with your sister! I know a lot of bad sibling relationships, but you're blessed! HAppy Birthday to your older sis!

  31. Those cupcakes look aawfully tasty! Happy birthday to your sis!!!

  32. aww you and your sister seem so close! pretty girls.

    delicious looking cupcakes!

  33. aw happy birthday to your sister! youre both gorgeous :) and those cupcakes look SO GOOD! loved this post, so sweettt!

  34. Happy Happy Birthday to your sis!!!

    those upcakes are adorable!!

  35. Happy birthday to your sister! Those cupcakes look so unique and delicious :)

  36. Your dinner sounds wonderful and love the birthday tribute to your sister! Did she read the blog? DId she have the cupcakes? (Mmmm)

  37. oh my gosh I LOOOVE sibling love pictures. You guys are SO cute!!! And it's always so awesome to have someone you're super close to. :)

    You cupcakes are gorgeous!! Can i see the berry filling?!?!? heheheh

    Oh!! And what are your secrets to liking iron pumping?? I'm not a big fan!

  38. great pics of you and your sister! and those

  39. What a cute birthday shoutout to your sis!
    Happy birthday!
    Sisters are the best.

  40. Happy Birthday to your sister!! Y'all are both gorgeous!!

    (as are those cupcakes... Wow... :-)

    Love the Kierkegaard quote... :-)

  41. You and your sister are so cute! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her!!

    Thosee cupcakes look awesome! :D

  42. Wow, those cupcakes look heavenly! Wish I could have some right now!


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