Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Quick One

Hey guys : )

Quick post tonight ... (sorry!) ...

Dinner last night was Lemon Chickpea Turkey Stir-fry ...
First I sautéed some mushroom and onions in olive oil, added the ground turkey meat, let it brown a little, and added chopped zucchini, sweet potatoes, a little over half a can of chick peas, water chestnuts, pepper, some lemon pepper seasoning, and when it was almost all done I added the juice of half a lemon. I separately steamed some Brussels and broccoli, and mixed it all together with some pearled barley. I thought it was really good. Erik said it was a bit too lemony for him (though he's not much of a lemon pepper kind of guy).
And as I've done a couple times now, here's some tips to end the post brought to you by The Daily Green. I just discovered this website recently and so far I think they have a lot of neat tips!

1. Eat Food. Not too Much. Mostly Plants.
Michael Pollan wrote it. Live it.

2. Eat Super Foods.
Super foods pack the most nutrients into each serving. Use our Superfood Index, which pairs the most nutritious foods with delicious recipes.

3. Eat Real Foods.
Whether you concerned about salmonella in peanut butter and bisphenol A residue from foods packed in plastic, or just plain confused by misleading food labels, less-processed foods are the answer.

4. Eat Local.
Get your foods locally, so you can ask your farmer how she grows her food, and how she cares for the soil.

5. Eat In Season.
Get your nutrition from foods that are in season whenever possible to ensure freshness and reduce food miles.

Last but not least, I got my hair done this evening and it's a lot different ... hooray! I'll show a picture tomorrow ; )

Have a great night and thanks for reading ... I appreciate you all and you're all GREAT ... I mean it!!! : )


  1. Great tips!

    Can't wait to see the new hair!

  2. Those are great tips :D Sometimes easier said than done haha

  3. yum, your dinner sounds delicious! Thanks for the tips. Definitely want to stop eating so much processed food, it's hard tho... it's everywhere!

  4. Michael Pollan is amazing!
    Thanks for sharing those tips too!

  5. Hi friend! Thanks for sharing those tips! Have a wonderful night. I can't wait to see your hair!

  6. Those are some great tips! I'm excited to see how your hair looks!!

  7. those really are some tips to live by!

    cant wait to see your hair!!

    dont you just love a new style?!? it gives ya something completely new and exciting :)

  8. michael pollan is a genius. I love that he teaches the importance of eating real food, but doesn't get all obessed-crazy about it and indulge in "unreal" food once in a while. oh did you know his b-day only just passed recently?

  9. Can't wait for the picture!! And thanks for including the tips. Although they should be common knowledge, it's nice to be reminded :)


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