Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Turkey Burgers and Mr. T


Since I always seem to give the weather updates of the day, haha, today was about 15 degrees ... is it Spring yet??

I've had some clumsy moments lately, but I'll get to that in a minute. Last night, dinner was turkey burgers on an Ezekiel bun with some almond cheddar cheese, sliced onions, honey mustard and spinach leaves served with brussel sprouts (my favorite!) So, I get my plate all fixed up, I'm really hungry and my mouth is watering in anticipation. I pause to take a picture (of course), then finally I sit down to eat. I was kinda messing around on my laptop while I was eating, a little less than halfway done, and my plate was kind of at the edge of the table. Insert clumsy moment. The next thing I know, I somehow bumped my plate and there is my plate, on the ground, food all over the floor, and my plate breaks clean in half. Needless to say, it made me very sad! And I had been enjoying my food so much!!

My husband came to my rescue though and picked most of it up for me, recovered what could be recovered and even got me a new plate and put some more veggies on it. What a nice guy ... he saved my dinner! Haha. Theeen, this morning while I was going up the stairs to my floor at work I completely fell up the stairs and dropped everything I was carrying (but thank goodness my Tazo Zen tea didn't spill!!). It actually hurt more than you'd think, but I quickly recovered (and no one saw;)

Back to today ... here was my on-the-treadmill entertainment today ... I'm a big fan of the A-Team ... especially BA, aka Mr T. If anyone else out there likes Mr. T, I'm sure you'll appreciate this:
Haha, I love it.

And my snack after work today was a piece of toasted hemp bread with cashew butter ... so good! And last but certainly not least, For the Love of Peanut Butter is organizing a blog "Secret Cupid" Valentine's Day exchange and if you want to be apart of it, you've got to let her know by the 30th ... so check it out!

That's all for me ... peace out girl scouts! ha.


  1. Don't you love it when you have a klutzy day?! Very sweet of your hubby for helping you out by fixing a new plate!

  2. Haha, aw I am sorry that your dinner fell on the floor. I am quite the spaz, too ;) What a sweet guy you've got to retrieve it for ya though! I am so glad you posted the link to Lee's blog to participate in the V-Day Exchange!!!!! Because I am super excited about it!
    Have a great night!

  3. Oh man! I'm sorry about your "oops"es. The most important thing is that you're okay...and that your Tazo tea didn't spill. LOVE me some Mr. T.

    I'm kind of a newbie to the blog world so I don't know if I'll be accepted, but I'm going to look into the Valentine's Day exchange. I love sending goodies!

  4. Thank goodness your hub came to the rescue with that dinner! The turkey burger looks great!

    Love the A-Team! haha!

    I'd love to do the V-Day exchange. My secret santa forgot about me though so I'm kind of worried about this one.

  5. owwwwwwwww! I do stuff like that all the time too. The burgers look great though- I can't believe how well that cheese melts! Mr.T...its been too long ;) Have a great night

  6. Yummy burger! Bummer it fell! At least you hubby came to the rescue:)

  7. Hemp bread? Whoa, I've never heard of that before!

  8. the burger looks amazing!!! And that hemp bread seems to be a delish! :D

  9. oh! that totally sucks about your plate and your food...it seems like that only ever happens when you really hungry or really enjoying your food! haha

  10. what a good guy- saving your meal. one time my boyfriend dropped a cherry soda on my white carpet and just stood there and stared at it. I dove and cleaned it up before he even moved. i think he was in shock.

    Kelly Turner


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