Sunday, November 30, 2014

Long time no blog

Long time no blog! I probably have about 0 readers at this point but that’s okay.  Life has been full and is always busy with a 1 year old.  I’m not sure why but they don’t appreciate when mom sits on her computer instead of playing ; ) I find most of my “updating” happens via Instagram because it’s nice and quick.
So … what’s new?
  • Our restaurant, il Lazzarone, has been open now about 7 months and Emersyn and I are enjoying our fill of pizza just about every day! Erik is working hard in his role as owner/pizzaioli and things are going well! We’ve been featured in many news outlets the most recent of which being The Pitch (Article can be found riiiiiight here)
Follow us on Facebook for updates!
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  • Emersyn has been growing like a weed! She’s 15 months old now and getting smarter and smarter each day! We were able to go on a family vacation to New York City a few months ago and we’re excited to spend our second Christmas holiday as a family of three!
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May this be the beginning of a blog renaissance, ha.

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