Emersyn, how did you become a half a year old already? It's hard to believe time has gone by so quickly. This month especially has vanished with a blink and you continue to grow so quickly right before our eyes! Your smile is infectious and you bring so much joy to our lives every single day.
Six Months
What you weigh: approx 16 pounds, 8 ounces
Eating: You're still eating about every 3-4 hrs during the day. The end of this month you tried some peas and a little banana. The peas, you did not know what to think about but didn't mind the banana as much.
Sleeping: Still taking a few naps a day, mostly in Boba carrier or in mommy's lap. Towards the end of the month you started waking more frequently at night and I'd say your average was three times a night. We had a pretty rough week this month too where you wanted to keep mommy up all night long! You still sleep in a swaddle at night but mommy's hoping to try and wean you away from it soon because you are getting so big!
Clothes: You're mostly wearing 9 month clothes now with a few of your bigger 6 month clothes still fitting and a few smaller 12 month clothes fitting.
Favorite Activities: Your latest activity is sitting up all by yourself! We set you down with toys all around you and you go to town. You LOVE crinkly sounds and your favorite "toy" is a crinkly baguette bag ha. I don't blame you. It's crinkle noise is far superior to silly baby toys with crinkle noises. You're reaching for everything in sight including mommy's hair, earrings and daddy's glasses.
Least Favorite Activities: You're overall pretty agreeable and besides the always mentioned car seat there's no big things you really hate to do. Sometimes you don't like baths but you get used to them. You're lenient about huge groups of people, especially when new people are trying to talk or play with you.
Big moments/firsts:
- Sitting up
- Much more aware
- Tried a few solids
- First Valentine's Day. Daddy and mommy both claimed you as our valentine
Six Month Photos