Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Month

Happy one month old, little Emy!

It's hard to believe it's already been one month. Those first few days (okay, and weeks) were doozies! Ha, between getting the hang of nursing -- especially when it started out oh so painfully for mommy as I got used to it -- figuring out what calms you when you cry and realizing I no longer determine when I get to sleep, eat and go to the bathroom, it was quite a learning curve. But we're getting the hang of each other and each day gets a little easier. You are so precious!

One Month

What you weigh: 9 pounds 7.8 ounces

Eating: You're an exclusive breastfeeding baby and you love to eat, too! Nursing seemed to come pretty naturally to us both and there haven't been a lot issues. You also love to comfort nurse and use mommy as your pacifier when you're really sleepy or cranky.

Sleeping: Our first week or two home we had some pretty bad nights in which you just wanted to frantically cry all night long. Since then we've learned the key to avoiding those type of all nighters is a swaddle you can't get out of, lots of nursing, and even more patience.

Clothes: So far you've worn mostly 0-3 months clothes, 3 months and a few newborn size. Many newborn clothes are very hard to get on and off of you because you're such a big girl and they're so tight. One dress won't even fit over your head, in fact. That's why we like to stick to the clothes that are a little bigger.

Diapers: We mostly use BumGenius newborn cloth diapers which seem to be working out very well but we also have some Seventh Generation disposables laying around for backup. We also use cloth wipes which we find to be very efficient and just as simple.

Favorite Activities: Nursing, being held, going for walks in the Boba carrier and looking around outside, bouncing around with daddy, looking at yourself in the mirror while your diaper is being changed, falling asleep on both grandmas.

Least Favorite Activities: Riding in the car (in fact, you frantically cry the whole way to where we're going and make yourself all hot and sweaty), sitting in your swing, Boppy lounger and any other device that's not a real person. The swing is growing on you a little bit though.

Big Moments: Being born, gaining back your birth weight in just one week, seeing your very own room (though we're not in our house yet), going to the store with mommy a few times without even crying while there. "They" say babies don't smile until about six weeks but I'd swear you have begun smiling at me once in awhile while you're looking at me and I'm talking to you. You're also very good for your age at holding your head up.

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