And, hello, week 31! Let me tell you, it sure feels “real” when you hit the 30 week timeframe. Excitement is raising and also my instinct to make sure I have everything “ready” I can at the moment. But it’s nice to remember, I do still (most likely) have the whole month of July and mostly the whole month of August. Not that I’m not ready to meet our little girl, but I’d like to have all of these 40 weeks to get as much together as possible, ha.
31 Weeks: Me
- This week:
- We’ve really been able to feel her body parts poking out and moving around on my belly this week, mostly little feet. One day in particular she was extra active and what we think were her knees kept poking out SO far. It’s a lot of fun to guess what’s what and feel her moving around so much, inside and by touch.
- We officially decided to hire a doula and met with her this week and am feeling very good with the decision since we’ll be having a hospital birth. I’m sure I’ll post about all this in more detail at some later date!
- Next appointment with the midwife is on Wednesday. It’s amazing how fast two weeks go by now that the appointments are so close together!
- Headed to Nebraska this weekend for the baby shower and my grandma’s birthday party. Excited to see all my family before baby arrives!
- House is still coming along nicely and seemingly on schedule for us being able to make it just in time.
- This week I’m loving Switch juice and cookies. But I’m sure to eat my veggies too, ha
- Baby’s age: 31 weeks
- Baby’s size: size of a pineapple; approximately 16.18 inches
- Baby’s weight: approximately 3.31 pounds
- Baby is going through major brain, nerve and eye development. Her irises even react to light. All five of her senses are now in working order. Plus, baby’s body temperature is now partially being regulated by parts of her brain. Her bones, with the exception of the skull, are hardening too.