Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pizza Party

Hey everyone who is still there!

Thanks for being patience with us during our blog hiatus. (See previous post). Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend! Our house is coming along nicely (though not quiiiiite as fast as I would like) and the more I see done, the more I can’t wait to be able to move in and hopefully get a few things settled before the baby arrives in just 3 more months.

This past week, Erik brought his pizza oven over to the house so we decided to try it out this weekend! He got this Renato wood fired oven at auction months and months ago and hadn’t had a chance to even use it yet.  His plan is to build a nice home for it in our new backyard, but for now it’s just sitting there amongst the mess, as you will see.  Here’s some pictures along the way:


That is our work in progress in the background.  Luckily, the outside of the house looks MUCH better than the inside does right now, ha.

(Note Erik’s last minute chopping of some wood in the background, ha. I love it.)

pizza 8 erik

My pregnant self hangin’ out while we wait for the fire to heat up enough for pizza time. Again, don’t mind the messy yard. It’s a work in progress, remember?


When you don’t live in your house yet and there is no kitchen or sheet rock or running water, one has to improvise.  Insert: the pizza station, ha.

pizza 6

Ingredients for Pizza Napoletana:

pizza 4 pizza 7

Margherita pizza before:

pizza 3

And after:

pizza 2

Yum! Not too shabby for the first go around. We’re going to love this oven!!

Until next time …


Baby bump: 27 weeks

Week 27!

That means approximately 13 weeks of pregnancy left or 3 months.  13 weeks sounds MUCH shorter and simply because we do not have a house to live in yet, I’m gonna go with 3 months!  As much as I’d love to meet our little girl, I’d love to have a place of our own before she arrives. Grace, grace to it, ha.
27 weeks
27 Weeks: Me
  • This week:
    • Movements continue to get stronger and more interesting.  It’s my favorite part!
    • Night times are hotter and hotter.  If I didn’t have a fan, I’m not sure what I would do.
    • I got pulled over this week and handed the police officer my debit card instead of my license.  Talk about pregnancy brain! I was embarrassed.  But now I think it’s hilarious.
27 Weeks: Baby
  • Baby’s age: 27 weeks
  • Baby’s size: size of a rutabaga; approximately 14.42 inches
  • Baby’s weight: approx 1.93 pounds
  • As the eyes continue to develop, the layers of the retina are forming, and the membrane that covers the eyes separates to form eyelids. You may notice that your baby is developing its own waking and sleeping patterns. The tissues and grooves in your baby’s brain continue to form. Some experts believe that the baby begins to dream at this point, but there is no conclusive proof that this is happening. You may also feel your baby hiccupping as their lungs continue to mature and they continue breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Baby bump: 25 and 26 weeks

And here we are already two weeks past my last post of 24 weeks.  My, how time continues to fly!

I always seem good at taking my our picture on time, but when it comes to actually posting, I’m not so good at this anymore, ha.  It could be that I’m at a computer all day during work and with this wonderful warm weather, sometimes getting on a computer is the last thing I feel like doing after work.  But here I am, better late than never.  Rather than doing two new posts, we’ll throw weeks 25 and 26 into one.

Also, I think I need to start writing down daily little events and things to note because I’m starting to forget them by the time I actually write up my posts.  We’ll just chalk that up to pregnancy brain!

25 weeks 26 weeks 2
25 & 26 Weeks: Me
  • Overall:
    • We’re doing great.  Overall I feel pretty “normal”, aside from the fact that my belly keeps growing and there’s a human being moving around inside of me, of course, ha.
    • Still working on building up our registry and deciding what things we may or may not need and want.
    • I find that it’s slightly harder to put certain pairs of shoes on and it’s not quite as easy to just bend over and pick something up, nor can I simply jump out of bed in the morning.
    • Hot days are much hotter than they used to be!
  • Bump: I continue to love feeling our little girl moving around inside of me.  Some days I’m amazed at how much I can see and feel her moving.  It’s so neat how while doing mundane things at work I can look down, see my belly moving and am reminded of what a wonderful time of  blessing we are in!
26 Weeks: Baby
  • Baby’s age: 26 weeks
  • Baby’s size: size of a head of lettuce; approximately 14.02 inches
  • Baby’s weight: approximately 1.68 pounds
  • “While listening to music, you might notice that your baby moves “rhythmically” in response to the sounds.  Her little brain is beginning a period of growth and over 50 percent of your baby’s energy will be used for this purpose.  The lungs are developing air sacks and the membrane that allows for the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen is now thin enough to let your baby take a breath by the end of the week.  Even though your baby’s skin is loose and wrinkly at this point, it will fill with fat during the third trimester.  Your baby’s eyes are completely developed and brain is able to register various stimuli such as of sound and light.”

Monday, May 6, 2013

Baby bump: 24 weeks

24 weeks!

I’ve been spending a lot of time lately trying to build up a registry of things we’re going to be needing for baby.  I’m finding this lovely list (found on Pinterest) to be helpful for a general idea of “needs” and/or helpful first time baby items.  I’m also quickly learning everyone has vastly different opinions on what works and what doesn’t and like anything, I think it’ll be a matter of doing the best we can and then finding out what works best for our own routine and lifestyle.  For now … I fill my registry the best I can, ask questions, and get excited for what’s the come.
I love hearing about what others consider “must haves” with a baby, so bring ‘em at me!! What are/were your “must haves” or favorite products?? Smile
24 weeks
24 Weeks: Me
  • Overall: Had a doctor’s appointment this week and she measured “textbook” 24 weeks and her little heart was beating strong.
  • Food:  Overall very normal.  I’ve even introduced yogurt back into my life, as long as it’s warm in my oatmeal.
  • Bump: Baby kicks and movements are getting more and more frequent and noticeable.
  • Mood: Not much change here either.  It’s been exciting trying to build up a registry and imagine life with our little girl in our new house (that WILL get done before she arrives, knock on wood and pray some prayers!)
24 Weeks: Baby
  • Baby’s age: 24 weeks
  • Baby’s size: size of a cantaloupe; approximately 11.81 inches
  • Baby’s weight: approx 1.32 pounds
  • Her hair is beginning to change to the color that it will be at birth.  Her weight will double in the next four weeks and her lungs are developing and preparing for their first breaths.  Loud noises may startle baby causing a sudden jolt.

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