Friday, February 22, 2013

Baby bump: Week 14

Hello, hello, hello! Moving right along onto Week 14 …

week 14

14 Weeks: Me
  • Overall: Noticing more energy these days with a lot more motivation to get things done. I can actually manage to chop vegetables and make a decent dinner without being extremely pooped out as I was before. I also relied heavily on frozen Amy’s foods on “I just want to eat right now” kind of nights. Thank goodness for Amy’s! 
  • Food: This week … pasta! Give me lots of pasta! I discovered some organic Smart Chicken sausages recently that have revolutionized my meat eating, ha. Chicken breasts are still not something I want, and I had a lot of meatloaf and burgers in this 1st trimester so beef doesn’t sound great either. These sausages are a welcomed changed! They’re precooked too, so my favorite thing has been to chop them up and throw them in a pan with sautéed veggies, a generous amount of olive oil, and then mix in with some pasta. Yum! See?
  • Bump: Still slowly growing.  My favorite and wonderful sister sent me some of her maternity clothes and I also got a pair of maternity jeans along with a few shirts on my own.  Those jeans? Talk about comfortable! I notice when wearing real maternity clothes, the bump really jumps out too.  (See above photo with a few of those said maternity clothes, ha).
  • Mood: My crabby tendencies seem to be fading more and more and my “usual” personality is in more full swing.  I can still have plenty of good cries, but then again, emotional me always could Winking smile

14 Weeks: Baby
  • Baby’s age: 14 weeks, 1 day
  • Baby’s size: size of a lemon; approximately 3.4 inches
  • Baby’s weight: 1.5 oz
  • Baby is probably sucking his or her thumb and wiggling his or her toes; kidneys are making urine and liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too; him/her is growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz like hair all over the body.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Baby bump: 13 weeks

And now onto 13 weeks!  Our 12 week appointment was on Monday and the baby’s heartbeat was beating strong at 163! It felt surreal hearing that fast, steady thump-thump; it’s not something I’ve been able to experience before. Up until that point, there was always a part of me that was nervous, scared. I’m sure it was partly due to my last experience with an almost 12 week appointment in which we only found out bad news.

Though at the same time, I’ve been realizing this is life.  I’ll likely find myself plenty of other things I’m tempted to worry about, no matter how much reassurance I receive.  And I think whether an expecting mother has had a previous miscarriage or not, it’s normal to be nervous.  I can choose whether to worry about everything happening in life, playing through what *could* happen or to just trust in God and think about all the good things happening right now! Sounds easier said than done, I know!  But it’s also pretty ironic how we always tend to think the worst what-ifs … why, instead, don’t we think about the best possible what-ifs?
13 weeks 2
13 Weeks: Me
  • Baby’s age: 13 weeks, 1 day
  • Me: Feeling good this week, about the same as last. Though I’m finding that I don’t have to go to the bathroom quite as much. Most of my jeans are very uncomfortable and feeling obtrusive so I have started utilizing theBeBand.  Leggings are good too.
  • Food: I ate my first pregnancy pickle this week. I don’t typically like stereotypes but this one came true.  The medium sized jar was gone in a matter of days and I’m going to stock up on some more later on today. I still don’t want any chicken or yogurt. Especially yogurt.
  • Bump: Though I don’t think you can tell much of a difference in the pictures, I feel like my belly is very slowly growing (well, duh, I guess that’s a given).  But it is noticeable to Erik and I, especially at nighttime.
  • Mood: I am feeling a little bit more “myself” as I move onto the second trimester. My body doesn’t feel as tired but emotional exhaustion has been hitting me hard come about 9:00 p.m. in which just about anything can still make me cry.
13 Weeks: Baby
According to my iPhone apps, this week:
  • Weighs about 20 grams and is nearly 3 inches long.
  • Baby now has the ability to open and close its fists and to make sucking movements with the muscles in its mouth.
  • Digestive system is developing into its final shapes including stomach, liver, pancreas and intestines.
  • Baby's eyelids are fused shut to protect its eyes as they develop. Bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear.
Looking forward to another week!

Valentine’s Day

Happy Belated Valentine’s Day!

Just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a happy belated Valentine’s Day.  Hope it was a good one!


We really didn’t do much …a house and a baby are really enough for me anyways : )  Erik did bring home some goodies though! First off, some fun mugs. (I’m a sucker for mugs. I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to them).

Next, a card and my favorite, Justin’s peanut butter cups.  Yum!!


Purple Carrot Kids

Also, new 13 week update post is up on Purple Carrot Kids today.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Purple Carrot Kids

In case you don’t “like” The Purple Carrot on Facebook, are in Instagram, or just didn’t see my latest post on them …. big news in Purple Carrot land!  I tried to think of a creative way to announce it, but I’m too impatient and have to simply come right out and say it ….

Yep! Excited to announce Baby Borger will be making his or her appearance in late August :)

Purple Carrot Kids

Naturally, and in order to avoid inundating The Purple Carrot with all things baby and pregnancy, I’ve created another more personal blog for such a purpose. Introducing … Purple Carrot Kids :: Where the art of real food meets family ; )

While I’ll still post updates here and there on The Purple Carrot, the main outlet and all the details for baby will be found on Purple Carrot Kids.
Our Miscarriage Story

While most of you won’t know this, as we really only told a small amount of people, about a year ago Erik and I miscarried at 8 weeks. Purple Carrot Kids was initially born then, but I have kept it private and pretty much dormant until now. The few posts I have left up from the past are our miscarriage story and a few posts of struggle afterwards leading up until now.  It was a very hard thing to go through, and by leaving up our story, I hope to be able to sympathize with others who have gone through the same thing and also bring encouragement as I go onto a second pregnancy after miscarrying. 

So there you have it!
We’re so very excited and blessed to be where we are right now, and thank you all for your words of congratulations!


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Baby bump: 12 weeks

Here we are with Baby Borger’s photo debut at 12 weeks!  Our 12 week appointment is this Monday, the 11th, and I couldn’t be more excited to go in and hear that little heartbeat. Come on, Monday, get here! Until then …

12 weeks
12 Weeks Update
  • Baby’s age: 12 weeks, 1 day
  • Baby is as big as: A peach (3 inches long)
  • Me: Feeling good so far this week. Have a little lingering morning sickness that mostly comes by at night when it does decide to visit. I must say, though, I never had really bad MS.
  • Food: I think more than morning sickness, my general “ick” feeling as come from food aversions. The two main culprits? Chicken and yogurt. Eww!!!
  • Bump: I can definitely see my belly getting bigger, especially at nighttime when I’m stuffed of food and bloated on top of it all. A small bump appeared as early as about 10 weeks.
  • Mood: I’m a crank, to say the least. Just ask my husband. Really, I feel sorry for him. I’m mean, and it’s like I can’t help it.  So far, I’m easily irritated, certain smells make me gag and I get even more irritated (Chobani banana yogurt and the smell of the gym lingering on my husband when he comes home from work to name a few of the biggest ones). Of course, this also leads to many ‘a unexplained tears.  All in all, I guess I’m pretty normal then, ha.
That’s it for now! Back with more posts later.

I'm allliiiiiive! (And Good Health KC Magazine)

So … apparently I haven’t posted since NOVEMBER!?

However, I am still very much alive, ha. It’s been a whirlwind of a past almost three months with quite a lot of changes going on. Just to name a few:
  • Erik got a job as a fitness specialist at a hospital in St Joe (a little bit north of KC).
  • I got my old job back in St. Joe as a transcriptionist at an insurance company.
  • Subsequently, we moved to St. Joe.
  • We bought a house.
  • Said house previously had a fire so right now there’s absolutely nothing in it. At all.
  • Therefore, renovations are just about to begin.
  • Until said house is complete, we’re staying at Erik’s mom’s house.
There is one more change that has recently happened, but we shall save it for a later date.  Don’t you think getting new jobs, a new town, and a new house is enough for one day? Yes, I thought so too.

We certainly never expected to be moving just a few short months after finally ending up in the perfect location downtown but sometimes life just doesn’t pan out quite the way we expect it to.  I already miss a lot about being so close to our friends and favorite spots; Little Freshie, Westside Local, and Quay Coffee just to name a few but we feel very much at peace with our new surroundings and we’re not very far away!

Good Health KC

Last but not least, check out this winter’s edition of Good Health KC Magazine, specifically page 46 ; ) Online edition can be found right here.

**Note: As you can tell if you click on the link, the left caption says the recipes are courtesy of American Heart Association but they’re actually from right here at The Purple Carrot. They must have just forgotten to change that part. Oh well!

CaptureBB_thumb potato chips_thumb[2]

It features our sloppy lentils recipe alongside homemade kettle style chips. An excellent combo if I do say so myself!

I will be back soon! It won’t take three months again, I promise.


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